Our online patient portal makes it easy for you to access information related to your orthopedic condition and care at our hospital. Following discharge from inpatient surgery at Kansas City Orthopaedic Institute, you will be provided with access to our secure patient portal. You can log into your account 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Celebrating a quarter century of orthopedic excellence.
Please complete the following form and someone will contact you to set up an appointment. If you prefer to contact us directly, call 913-319-7633.
I acknowledge, before accessing the KCOI inpatient portal, that messages sent in the inpatient portal ARE NOT MONITORED by anyone. Should you need a response from your surgeon or their staff, you MUST contact them through the clinic directly (KCOA at 913-319-7600 or OSMCKC at 913-319-7500).